Crime Scenes / Miesta činu
Here you can find overview of diverse crime scenes - book or filming locations of my favorite detetctive stories, which I detected. And they have something common - most of them are located in South England. Some of them I have visited and so I could know at least a little bit of this wonderful country. And - who knows - may be you find inspiration what to visit in England../
Tu nájdete prehľad rôznych miest činu - knižných alebo filmových lokácií mojich obľúbených detektívok, ktoré som zistila. Majú niečo spoločné - väčšina je situovaná na juh Anglie. Niektoré z nich som aj navštívila a tak som mohla spoznať aspoň malinký kúsok tejto prekrásnej krajiny. A ktovie - možno nájdete inšpiráciu, čo v Anglii navštíviť.
Locations that I have visited / Miesta, ktoré som navštívila:
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Counties of England / Grófstva Anglie
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Miss Marple's home / Domov slečny Marplovej
Miss Marple's home is fictitious village St. Mary Mead. Agatha Christie situated it about 20 miles south-west from London. Almost all novels with Miss Marple take place in St. Mary Mead and its near surroundings, ecpecially first novel The Murder at the Vicarage, The Body in the Library, The Mirror Crack'd from Side to Side etc. /
Domovom slečny Marplovej je fiktívna dedinka St. Mary Mead. Agatha Christie ju situovala okolo 20 míľ juhozápadne od Londýna. Skoro všetky romány so slečnou Marplovou sa odohrávajú v St. Mary Mead a jeho blízkom okolí, hlavne prvý román Vražda na fare, Mŕtva v knižnici, Puknuté zrkadlo atď.
In films with Joan Hickson as Miss Marple the role of St. Mary Mead "played" picturesque village Nether Wallop in county Hampshire./
Vo filmoch s Joan Hickson ako slečnou Marplovou si úlohu St. Mary Mead "zahrala" malebná dedinka Nether Wallop v grófstve Hampshire.
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Nether Wallop = St. Mary Mead:
Hercule Poirots home / Domov Hercula Poirota
Poirot's home is Whitehaven Mansions in London. In series and films with David Suchet as Poirot the role of it "plays art deco building Florin Court on Charterhouse Square, London. And one short story The Third Floor Flat takes place directly in Whitehaven Mansions.
I am very glad, that I coud visit this location in 2010 and 2011 I could see inside too. /
Domovom Poirota je Whitehaven Mansions v Londýne. V seriáli a filmoch s Davidom Suchetom ako Poirotom jeho úlohu "hrá" budova v štýle art deco Florin Court na námestí Charterhouse Square v Londýne. A jedna poviedka Byt na treťom poschodí sa odohráva priamo vo Whitehaven Mansions.
Som veľmi rada, že toto miesto som mohla navštíviť v r. 2010 a v r. 2011 aj interér.
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Florin Court = Whitehaven Mansions:
Eileen "Bundle" and Jimmy / Eileen "Palička" a Jimmy
Part of story in the book of Agatha Christie Seven Dials Mystery is set in interesting "hidden" village of Covent Garden, London, called Seven Dials. In the early-twentieth century, when the story enacted (1929), it was urban area with doubtful reputation. Nowadays it is bussy, prosperous commercial village in addition very picturesque and beautiful. /
Časť deja knihy Agathy Christie Záhada siedmych ciferníkov sa odohráva v zaujímavej "ukrytej" štvrti Covent Garden, v Londýne, ktorá sa nazýva Sedem ciferníkov. Začiatkom 20-teho storočia, kedy sa príbeh odohráva (1929), to bola mestská časť pochybnej povesti. Dnes je to rušná, prosperujúca obchodná štvrť, navyše veľmi malebná a krásna.
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village Seven Dials / štvrť Sedem ciferníkov:
The Seven Dials Mystery was adapted for TV in 1981 with Cheryl Campbell as Lady Eileen “Bundle” Brent and James Warwick (played also Tommy Beresford in couple Tommy and Tuppence) as Jimmy Thesiger and famous John Gielgud as Marquess of Caterham. But I could not detect filmimg location. /
Záhada siedmych ciferníkov bola adaptovaná r. 1981 pre televíziu, s Cheryl Campbell ako Eileen "Paličkou" Brentovou a Jamesom Warwickom (hral aj Tommyho Beresforda z dvojice Tommy a Pentlička) ako Johnom Thesigerom a slávnym Johnom Gielgudom ako markízom z Caterhamu. Ale nepodarilo sa mi zistiť filmovú lokáciu.
Scene from "Seven Dials" club in village Seven Dials - adaptation 1981 /
Scéna z clubu "Sedem ciferníkov" v štvrti Sedem ciferníkov - adaptácia z 1981
It is also planned to be adapted with Miss Marple as a sequel to The Secret of Chimneys from series five, although neither Chimneys or in The Seven Dials Mystery book included Miss Marple (!). /
Plánuje sa aj adaptácia so slečnou Marplovou, ako pokračovanie Tajomstva Chimneys z 5. série, hoci ani v jednej z týchto kníh slečna Marplová nevystupuje (!).
Emily Trefusis and James Pearson
Try to locate Sittaford / Pokus lokalizovať Sittaford
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Sittaford, Exhampton, Exeter Princetown prison Exeter
Another charming couple of young people (better I should say trio :-)) - Emily Trefusis, James Pearson and Charles Enderby are main characters in Agatha Christies The Sittaford Mystery. Book location is small fictitious village Sittaford in Dartmoor, which is about 6 miles from fictitious village Exhampton, which is about 30 minutes by train from Exeter. Another pointer of location of Sittaford - it is 12 miles northerly from Princetown. Princetown prison has its role in this story too.
On my journey 2010 I have visited Dartmoor and Exeter. /
Ďalšia roztomilá dvojica mladých ľudí (lepšie povedané trio :-)) - Emily Trefusis, James Pearson a Charles Enderby, sú hlavnými postavami v Sittafordskej záhade od Agathy Christie. Knižnou lokáciou je malá fiktívna dedinka Sittaford, ktorá je asi 6 míľ od fiktívneho Exhamtonu, ktorý je zase asi 30 minút cesty vlakom od Exeteru. Ďalším vodítkom pre kolalizáciu Sittafordu je, že leží 12 míľ severne od Princetownu. Väznica Princetown zohráva v príbehu tiež svoju úlohu.
Na svojej ceste 2010 som bola v Dartmoore aj v Exeteri.
Sherlock Holmes home / Domov Sherlocka Holmesa
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His Home is in London, on very famous address 221b Baker Street. Nowadays there is The Sherlock Holmes Museum.
BBC Sherlock used North Gower Street as Baker Street (which is too bussy for filming). I am happy to say, I could visit them both . /
Jeho domov je na veľmi známej adrese v Londýne Baker Street 221b. Dnes je tam Múzeum Sherlocka Holmesa.
BBC Sherlock použil North Gower Street ako Baker Street (tá je na filmovanie príliš rušná). Som šťastná, že som ich mohla navštíviť obe .
The Sherlock Holmes Museum, BBC Sherlock, North Gower Street is Baker Street,
London, Baker Street 221b, my journey in May 2010 my journey in September 2011
Múzeum Sherlocka Holmesa, BBC Sherlock, North Gower Street je Baker Street,
Londýn Baker Street 221b, moja cesta v máji 2010 moja cesta v septembri 2011
BBC Sherlock
Series one / Prvá séria
Study in Pink
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- onscreen/vo filme 221b Baker Street = actually/v skutočnosti North Gower Street, by Speedy's Cafe
- Russel Square Gardens
- onscreen/vo filme Tierra Brindisa Restaurant, Northumberland St. = actually/v skutočnosti Tapas Brindisa Restaurant, 46 Broadwick St.
St. Bart's Hospital (St. Bartholomew's Hospital), West Smithfield
The Blind Banker
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Pictures with arrow are my "magic of unmeant" - i did them in 2010, 2011 without knowing what a richness I had. / Obrázky so šípkou sú moje "čaro nechceného" - robila som ich v r. 2010, 2011, nevediac, akú cennosť mám.
Filming Locations - diverse places in London - some of them: / Filmovalo sa na rôznych miestach Londýna - niektoré:
- Hungerford Bridge, Victoria Embankment
- London Chinatown
- South Bank Skate Park
- Tower 42
- Trafalgar Square
- 221b - North Gower Street, Speedy's Cafe
- New Scotland Yard, Broadway
- St. Bartholomew's Hospital, West Smithfield
The Great Game
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Pictures with arrow are my "magic of unmeant" - i did them in 2010, 2011 without knowing what a richness I had. / Obrázky so šípkou sú moje "čaro nechceného" - robila som ich v r. 2010, 2011, nevediac, akú cennosť mám.
Filming Locations - diverse places in London - some of them: / Filmovalo sa na rôznych miestach Londýna - niektoré:
- Borthwick Wharf, Borthwick Street
- Oxo Tower Wharf
- Victoria Embankment
- Waterloo Gridge
North Gower Street, Speedys Cafe
and - Bristol South Swimming Pool, Dean Lane, Bristol
Series two / Druhá séria
A Scandall in Belgravia
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Filming locations (for the present I have only short information):
- British Airways Maintenance building, Cardiff, Wales, UK
- Belgravia - district of Central London, bounded by Knightsbridge St. to the north, Grosvenor Place and Buckingham Pallace Road to the east, Pimlico Road to the South, and Sloane Street to the west
- Eaton Square 44 - onscreen = residence of Irene Adler / rezidencia Ireny Adler
- Millenium Bridge, London - Irene Adler becomes text/Irena Edler dostane SMS: "Happy new year SH"
- Boscobel Square, London - Scene SH and JW "Punch me in the face"/Scéna SH a JW "Vraz mi jednu"
The Hounds of Baskerville
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Filming locations:
- onscreen Baskerville military establishment = LNG (Liquified Natural Gas) gas tanks by Baverstocks, near Llwydcoed in Mid Glamorgan, Wales, UK
- onscreen fictional "Cross Keys" pub in Dartmoor = Bush Inn - 16th century thatched-roof pub in St. Hilary, near Cowbridge, Vale of Glamorgan, Wales, Uk
- Dartmoor - some scenes were filmed also there / niektoré scény sa točili aj tam
Reichenbach's Fall
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- onscreen - inside of the Tower of London = actually - inside Cardiff Castle
- Cardiff City Hall
- Newport Cemetery = end scene - JW "...don't be dead..." / záverečná scéna - JW "...nebuď mŕtvy..."
- Tradegar House in Newport = boarding school from which two children are kidnapped / internátna škola, z ktorej unesú dve deti
- St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London - plays role also in grand finale.../hrá úlohu aj vo veľkom finále...
- Carlton House Terrace, London = Diogenes Club (of Mycroft)
- Central Criminal Court, Old Bailey, London - Trial with Moriarty / Súd s Moriartym
DCI Tom Barnaby's home / Domov detektíva šéfinšpektora Toma Barnabyho
Barnaby's home is fictitious little town Causton, his role "plays" Wallingford, county Oxfordshire. Although Causton police station represented former RAF Staff College in Bracknell and Causton Railway station represented Twyford railway station.
In Wallingford spent Agata Christie last years of her life. /
Domovom detektíva šéfinšpektora Toma Barnabyho je fiktívne mestečko Causton, jeho úlohu "hrá" Wallingford v grófstve Oxfordshire. Hoci caustonskú policajnú stanicu reprezentuje budova bývalej Vysokej školy pre personál RAF (britské Kráľovské letectvo) v mestečku Bracknell a caustonskú železničnú stanicu reprezentuje stanica v Twyforde.
Vo Wallingforde žila posledné roky svojho života Agatha Christie.
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Wallingford, Bracknell, Thyford = Causton:
Wallingford RAF Staff College Twyford railway station
Wonderful fictitious Midsomer county was represented by many villages in Buckinghamshire, Hertfordshire and Oxfordshire. / Prekrásne fiktívne grófstvo Midsomer reprezentuje množstvo mestečiek a dedín v Buckinghamshire, Hertfordshire a Oxfordshire.
Favourite filming locations include / Obľúbené filmové lokácie zahrňujú:
- in Buckinghamshire:
Hedsor House, Beaconsfield, Amersham, Great Missenden, Prestwood, The Lee, Wendver, Stoke Poges, Princess Risborough, Turville, Long Crendon, Penn, Marlow, Denham. Bledow, the Ashbridge, Estate, Aldbury, Little Gaddesden, Chesham, Latimer, Folkingham, Chenies, Hambleden, Haddenham, and Waddesdon
- in Hertfordshire:
Hemel Hemstead town, Chippersfield, Flaunden, Bulbourne, Hadley Wood, Watford
- in Oxfordshire:
Warborough, Islip, Nettlebed, Henley on Thames, Dorchester, Waterstock, Stoke Talmage, Stonor Park, Thame, Thame Park House and Ashton.
Bekonscot Model Village in Beaconsfield features in one episode, and Twyford railway station.
Repeatedly features as the fictional Causton railway station.The Six Bells pub in Warborough, Oxfordshire repeatedly features as the Black Swan pub in the Midsomer village of Badger's Drift.
Morse and Lewis, Books of Veronica Stallwood
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Some of my photos of Oxford Colleges
Niekoľko mojich fotiek univerzít Oxfordu
Series "Morse" and "Lewis" take place in Oxford. All books of Veronica Stallwood with Kate Ivory too. I had a great luck to visit wonderful Oxford on my journey in 2010. /
Seriály "Morse" a "Lewis" sa odohrávajú v Oxforde. Všetky knihy, ktoré Veronica Stallwood písala o Kate Ivory, tiež. Mala som to veľké šťastie, že som navštívila prekrásny Oxford na mojej ceste r. 2010.
Foyle's War
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Hertford, Balls Park and Hastings Balls Park
Story of Foyle's War is situated to sea-side town Hastings. Filming locations of series are Hertford, county town of Hertfordshire and Balls Park, 63 acres property, 10 minutes walk from Hertford town centre and favorite filming location of many films and TV produktions. But sea-side scenes and some town-scenes were filmed directly in Hastings. /
Dej Foylovej vojny, je situovaný do prímorského mesta Hastings. Seriál sa nakrúcal v Hertforde, krajskom meste grófstva Hertfordshire a v Balls Park, 63 akrovom pozemku vzdialenom 10 minút chôdze od centra Hertfordu, ktorý je obľúbenou lokáciou mnohých filmov a televíznych produkcií. Ale prímorské scény a niektoré mestské scény sa točili priamo v Hastings.
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